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Kelly talks about workplace fairness with Harvard’s Siri Chilazi who co-wrote the book “Make Work Fair: Data-Driven Design for Real Results” with Iris Bohnet. There’s a great term you introduce us to: strategic incompetence. “You know, I think I can’t take credit. I think my co-author Iris and I actually saw that term somewhere. …
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Kelly converses with Kalifa Oliver, an international experience coach, executive advisor, keynote speaker, author and expert in building brilliant experiences using people-centered design and analytics. Her new book is called, “I Think I Love My Job: Secrets to Designing a People-Centered Employer Value Proposition (That You Can Actually Boast About.” There’s a line in your book, I’ve …
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Kelly connects with Harvard professor Alison Wood Brooks who studies the science of conversation. Her new book is called “TALK: The Science of Conversation and the Art of Being Ourselves.” So, you and I are about to sit down and have a conversation about having conversations. Does that just ever get in your head? …