Birthday Wishes for Chicago from The Second City

by The Second City


Mar 04, 2015

Dear Chicago,

Happy birthday! It’s no secret that we adore you so much that we named ourselves after one of your mildly insulting knick names.

So, what are you wishing for today when you blow out your 178 candles?

In case you’re stuck, we’ve got a few suggestions.


The Second City

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For a pothole to be filled. Not all of them— let’s be realistic. Just one. —Tim Ryder

That the wet spot on the CTA is actually just snow.  —April Cowgur

Global warming (or at least ‘Chicago warming”) —Neal Dandade

Can you wish for season four of GoT to premier right now? You’re powerful enough to get that done. —Erin Lann

That you can sell the “dibs” parking program to Morgan Stanley for another billion dollars. —Tanner Tananbaum

More craft beer for the hard asses who live here year-round.  —Casey Whitaker

Less McDonald’s; more Wendy’s… and I guess something about the weather and politics. —Casey Pilkenton

A Whataburger. One of the few things this Texan is having a hard time living without. Would also accept Taco Cabana. —Amy Anderson

A solution to help resolve gang violence and more SONICS! —Ellen Williams

More of those “no guns allowed” stickers —Catharine Savage

No guns at all —Rebecca Sohn

A big wish to silence violence, bring our communities closer and a little more sunshine on your horizon is all that we request. —Dionna Griffin-Irons

That its buddies don’t take it out, get it drunk and leave it at the black site in Homan Square. —Lisa Linke

For Wrigleyville to be taken in the rapture that was supposed to happen four years ago —Becca Taubel

For a storm to take down the Trump building sign with no injuries —Andrew Thorp

Obvi, we should wish for the same thing we wish for very year: a fast-approaching spring and for the Cubs to win the World Series.  —Jocelyn Geboy

Endless summers, racial equality and honest politicians… lol j/k MORE DIVVYS! —Peter Kim

A new mayor. —Julie Marchiano

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