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The Second City Announces First-Ever Artistic Advisory Board

by The Second City


May 10, 2022

The Second City is proud to announce that, for the first time in the iconic comedy company’s 62-year history, an Artistic Advisory Board has been formed to help promote and secure the organization’s success for the next 62 years and beyond. As The Second City works to attract and foster the next generation of comedy, the esteemed 15-member board will help guide The Second City’s creative direction and uphold the creative values of the institution. The board’s members – all proud Second City alumni and community members – are as follows:

Stephen Colbert, Artistic Advisory Board Chair
Steve Carell
Dwayne Colbert
Tina Fey
Keegan-Michael Key
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Jane Lynch
Tim Meadows
Peter Murrieta            
Suzy Nakamura
Catherine O’Hara
Sam Richardson
Jeff Richmond
Jason Sudeikis
Robin Thede

“I’m grateful to my fellow Artistic Advisory Board members for being so generous with their time and talent. We all believe that comedy is better off with a vital Second City. We want to share our experience of this tradition which helped form who we are as comedians and artists and help encourage a new generation to make that tradition their own,” said Artistic Advisory Board Chair, Second City board member, alumnus, and one-time top t-shirt salesman, Stephen Colbert.

The Artistic Advisory Board will work with The Second City to discuss the direction of the theater and the ways in which they can support its artists, helping inform the artistic direction of The Second City. As well-known alumni and community members of The Second City, they will champion the artistic and comedic standards of the organization through direct engagement which supports the recovery and growth of the theater.

“The Second City recently marked 62 years in improv, fostering some of the top talent in comedy the world has ever seen. Today, we announce our first ever Artistic Advisory Board, led by none other than Stephen Colbert, filled with familiar names, all proud Second City alumni and community members – many of whom started as students in our training center,” said Parisa Jalili, COO of The Second City. “We are so incredibly thankful to the alumni who have joined the inaugural Artistic Advisory Board for their generosity and dedication to The Second City and its future. As we look to the next 62 years and beyond, we are thrilled to have the Board’s support and creative vision guiding the way.”

The Second City management team will continue to be responsible for day-to-day operations while the Artistic Advisory Board will help to champion the artistic standards of The Second City and inform the creative direction of the theater. Acquired last year by private equity firm ZMC, The Second City celebrated its 62nd year in business on December 16th, 2021.

“We are proud to support the groundwork that The Second City is laying as it thinks about its next 60 years and more. To think that this impressive list of board members all came to The Second City as students of the craft, and are now supporting the next generation is incredibly inspiring,” said Jason Sporer, ZMC Principal and The Second City Board Chair. “The Second City knows that what’s best for business is doing what’s best for its performers, and we can’t wait to see the impact this Board will have on current students in the training center, as well as on those who may now be inspired to take the leap into comedy.”

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