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What We’ve Learned About Second City Since Last Week

by The Second City


Sep 02, 2015

In just one week, The Piper’s Alley Fire of 2015 has firmly cemented its status as one of the most storied events in Second City’s already pretty storied history, landing somewhere between the Blizzard of ’99 and all of the 1970s. Everyone has their own “where I was when the fire broke out” and aftermath story… and thanks to the indefatigable efforts of the Chicago Fire Department, everyone is still around to tell them.

We asked our #SecondCityFamily what they wanted to say…who they had to thank… to share an tale they’d like people to hear… or describe a feeling they want people to feel… and they did.

These. Are their stories. (dun-dun)


I happened to have my dog Murray (named after the great Bill Murray, of course) with me at the office on Wednesday. He was hanging out with us while we ate lunch and didn’t have his leash on when we started to see smoke.

Without missing a beat, my co-worker Elizabeth scooped Murray up and carried him out the door while I scrambled to grab what I could from my office. Since it turns out Murray isn’t Lassie and I don’t keep a cool head in a crisis, I sure was glad Elizabeth was there to save my pup.

All I managed to save was my laptop and half a Jimmy John’s sandwich.

–Becca Stahl


10 minutes before we evacuated, while siting in the Bizco conference room:
[SC VP of Brand & Marketing] Tyler: “You know what doesn’t get enough credit?  Adobo.
Their fish tacos are really good, guys!”
One minute later:

Tyler: “Well, it’s finally warm in this part of the building. They must have gotten the AC figured out.  Also, it smells like smoke*”

*Note:  it was warm because it was on fire.

–Brynn Humphreys
When Mike Conway came back from the hospital and showed up to Corcoran’s, the back bar erupted in cheers–and as this is all happening, the TVs in the bar had SC on the news, showing him being carried out on a stretcher…just laughing and crying so hard at the same time.
–Stephanie Case
What I learned about Second City… is that even when your family and friends know you work from home in North Carolina, and know you’re at home that day, they still reach out to make sure you’re OK.
And then within 10 seconds, they jump to whether or not the theaters made it through the fire unscathed– because really, is there anything more important to Second City than our stages?
Probably not.
–Doug Hutton
Comedy is a better coping mechanism than drugs or alcohol.
–Tyler Alexander
Cannot say how proud I am to be a part of this Phoenix that will rise from the fire. Thanks to everyone for helping and support Brandon, Mike, Peter and myself to make it through!
–Dan Wagner


Jeff Gandy and the kids program worked fast and got every kid out and picked up like there was not a huge fire happening. It was amazing and inspiring.

–Rachael Mason


One of the coolest experiences in the aftermath was feeling the support for The Second City throughout the town. Theaters, alums and fans all stepped forward with space to help the Training Center hold weekend classes immediately after the fire. It created an incredible sense of community.

–Sheena Laird

The training center team are such bad asses, they rescheduled 185 classes and 22 shows —  from the back of Corcoran’s, using Post-It notes, fueled entirely by Diet Coke and cheese curds.
If they can do that, they can do anything.
–Abby Wagner
Smaller conference rooms make for shorter staff meetings.
–Joe Ruffner
I am amazed and deeply moved to witness the “yes and…” philosophy in action in the wake of a devastating tragedy.  This positivity and resilience needs to be bottled
and distributed throughout the planet.
–Jimmy Tomasello
3 things:
1. I need to review my home evacuation plan
2. Smoky office supplies smell like food fresh off the grill…
3. Many of us conducted “business as usual” once we were safe while things were uncertain and still burning inside; that is the best improv yet.
–Dionna Griffin-Irons

​Downtown corporate office’s favorite color is beige.​

–Monica Wilson


The Second City has been part of my life for 20 years. In addition to the crew that’s been picking up the pieces and pulling us all back together (you’ve been great!) it’s been great to see how far-reaching the Second City connection is.

It’s wonderful to hear from all the alumni whom we all take great delight in their success as if it’s our own. But it’s been really special to hear from so many Bizco clients who also feel a special connection to our people and the ideas that this place represents.

It makes me proud to be a part of this family. Martin DeMaat always used to say, “find the love in the scene,” and I think we have.

–Ronnie Feldman

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