by The Second City
Jul 18, 2018
“Maybe we should approach Zappos since they recommend your book in their library list,” read a line in an email exchange with our collaborators at The Cleveland Clinic, Las Vegas.
I didn’t know what she meant, so I googled “Zappos library,” and there it was. Zappos, the legendary online retailer, has a recommended book list for both its employees and customers. Our book, “Yes, And,” is listed alongside a bunch of terrific books about business, culture and innovation.
So that’s pretty cool.
Even more cool, was how many of the other recommended books and authors have been on our “Getting to Yes, And” podcast: Brene Brown, Adam Grant, Duncan Watts, Angela Duckworth, Charles Duhigg, Sydney Finkelstein and Simon Sinek.
And another thing struck me. We’re rowing in the same direction.
The common themes that run through our work are the themes that are extending from the leading business schools in the nation and from thought leaders in organizations across myriad fields – from tech to healthcare, finance to media. Those themes include:
The improvisational practices that we teach at The Second City are complementary to the other books on the Zappos Library List because they are rooted in recognizable human behavior. That’s why the output is so often funny – because so much of comedy is laughing at the way we humans behave – most often, because that behavior is so irrational.
Now I have to see if I can get a discount on some shoes.
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