by The Second City
Mar 25, 2020
Improv is an art form that changed the world. How can improv change our brains? How can improv change our lives? Rainn (@rainnwilson) and Reza (@rezaaslan) test out their yes, and skills with The Second City veteran Kelly Leonard, who shares his very intimate story of how to improvise your way through the darkest days. Join the conversation #metaphysical and email us your thoughts:
Metaphysical Milkshake is presented by Luminary Media and SoulPancake. Metaphysical Milkshake is executive produce by Rainn Wilson, Reza Aslan, Golriz Lucina, and Dariush Brizuela-Nothaft of SoulPancake. Hashem Selph is the head of production. Metaphysical Milkshake is produced by Amy S. Choi and Rebecca Lehrer of The Mash-Up Americans. Associate producers are Jocelyn Gonzalez, Lindsey Kratochwill, Sara Pelligrini, Mary Phillips-Sandy, and Shelby Sandlin. Original music is composed by Jeff Tang and Scott Tang.
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