by The Second City

MAY 20, 2015

Top 10 Letterman Tributes

David Letterman is going off the air tonight after more than three decades behind his late night desk–which means it’s the perfect time to fire up your WordPress blog and tell the world (i.e. yourself and maybe your friend Amy who reads all your stuff because her life is sad) how much Letterman has always meant to you.

The internet is falling all over itself to pay homage to one of the greatest (or at least longest-lasting) late night figures of all time. He was funny, ground-breaking and had some personal shortcomings, but above all, he inspired several generations of white male comics and owners of stupid pets with tricks.

But which gushing tribute wins the David Letterman Is Basically God sweepstakes? Let’s count down the Top 10.


Millennial blogger who grew up watching Conan but is now pretending like Letterman basically breastfed him.


Gen X blogger who, as a kid, used to write his own Top 10 lists because he wanted to be a comedy writer, but then he became an IT manager who blogs on the side, because that’s what you do. You get a real job, get married, have kids and funnel all your past dreams into your blog, depressingly titled


The New Yorker tribute* that calls Letterman a “flinty codger” with “prescient zingers” (*This actually exists.)


The Facebook status update from that random friend from high school that just says “Lettreman was kewl.” (sic)


The contrarian blog article about how Letterman was an unoriginal hack and the true genius of late night was Chevy Chase.


The begrudging article by a female journalist who clearly isn’t a huge fan, given Dave’s track record with women and the fact he rarely hired female writers. But she’s getting paid like $150 for this article, and momma needs to eat.


Eddie Vedder, for some reason.


The interview with a former Late Show writer who basically says David Letterman was a huge cock the entire time, they hated their job, but they were maybe doing groundbreaking stuff, so it was okay.


The collective erections of every gently misogynist white male comic in America, which if put end to end would stretch from the Statue of Liberty to a foot in front of the entrance to the Statue of Liberty.


This one, duh. Dave, you made people laugh. You did it with very few female writers, but somehow you still made people laugh. Drew Barrymore showed you her tits; you introduced Uma to Oprah at the Oscars; your mom gave a lot of people hams. Thanks for what you taught us, both in your successes and your mistakes. Comedy is better off and smarter because of you, which is the true purpose of any comedian, to refine and improve the art form so that a new generation and take it, refine it, and improve it for the generation after them.

You weren’t as good of late night host as Chevy Chase, but then again, who could be? 

John Loos (@JohnLoosWins) is a Chicago writer and performer. Find out more about him and his upcoming Web series “Sheryl, Still Single” at

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